More Camp Bacon Main Event Highlights
Here are more highlights from the Camp Bacon Main Event.
(see Part One here.)
Tabitha leads the campers in Bacon Mad Libs.
Audrey Petty reads the completed Mad Libs.
Here’s one of the hilarious results!
Ari with Jay Noble of Noble View Creamery in Wisconsin.
Raul Martín of Fermín Iberico hams. Raul talks about how this delicious, traditional Spanish ham is made.
Break for lunch!
Ari with Bob Nueske of Nueske’s Applewood Smoked Meats. Bob shared an insightful anecdote in which he’d been away from his company for some time, then came back to find it running better than ever. He realized he’d been ‘micromanaging’ and resolved to stop immediately. As Bob says, the results speak for themselves. Sometimes you have to trust in your employees…
Keith Ewing draws on his experience in hog farming to talk about the inherent benefits and respect for the animals gained in using humane slaughtering methods.
Audrey Petty reads more bacon poetry.
Seamstress extraordinaire, and couture designer Natalie Chanin demonstrates her bacon crafts with Ari’s assitance.
Here’s an example of Natalie’s deliciously edible work.
Nick Spencer of Chicago’s Jolly Posh Foods talks about the differences between British and American bacon, as well as the emergence of U.K. cuisine as a major force.
The Roadhouse’s own Justin Dennis reads bacon poetry.
Chef Eve Aronoff of Frita Batidos talks about roasting pork using a Caja China (Chinese Box). Legend has it that mid-1800’s Chinese emigrés to Cuba developed this method as an efficient and portable way to cook meat.
The Caja China is a wooden box lined with aluminum. The pork is suspended inside between two racks, and coals are ignited on top. As the coals warm, their heat is conducted by the metal lining the box, and the pork cooks evenly throughout.
Eve and the Frita Batidos crew serve up delicious samples of the finished product.
Ari And Joanie wrap up the Main Event with a heartfelt thanks to all of our 2013 campers.
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