I’m not a math major, but I do know that Pi (3.14159) is a mathematical constant—the relationship between the size of the circumference of a circle and its diameter. The fascinating thing about Pi is that it’s always the same, regardless of how big or small the circle is. That same constant has helped to make pie—the kind with an “e”—one of the most consistently comforting offerings we have here in the ZCoB. All of the pie offerings around the ’CoB are handmade with generous doses of love and care, a commitment to high quality ingredients, and meaningful attention to detail. In the spirit of which, here are 3.14 ways to make pie a positive part of your day!
1. Pie & Mash from Cornman Farms
Inspired by British co-managing partner Kieron Hales’, Zingerman’s Cornman Farms will transform into a traditional English Pie & Mash shop every Wednesday in March! Each week there’s a different savory handmade pie packed with mashed potatoes, seasonal veggies, and Kieron’s creamy Devon Fudge. Next week’s Pie & Mash is already sold out, so go online to order for the rest of the month ASAP.
Zingerman’s Art for Sale