Bottom-Line Training
Our vision of great training at Zingerman’s is training that makes a positive impact on one or more of our three bottom lines: Great Food! Great Service! Great Finance! That’s why we call it “Bottom-Line Training” or “BLT” for short.
Training Passports
Passports provide a consistent and clear training tool that give staff information about our expectations, resources, and timelines. With this important training tool, Zing staff are successfully prepared for their positions and roles, both technically and culturally.
University of Zingerman’s
The University of Zingerman’s (U of Z) is a self-study program for staff who have completed orientation but are still excited about learning more. As a part of recognizing those who want to actively learn, completing a U of Z degree earns staff extra money and prizes, helps staff do their work better (the more you know, the more effective you can be), and increases their chances of receiving other U of Z degrees.
Staff Scholarships
Staff Scholarships help staff pursue learning studies outside of the ZCoB while receiving financial assistance from Zingerman’s. Scholarships are awarded to staff who are full time and have been employed for at least one year. As part of the Scholarship, you will be able to work on a project of your choice that will give back your learnings to the organization in some way! It’s a great opportunity to enhance your personal and professional learning.
Our Training Compact…