This Week at Zingerman’s 4/5/16
April Events at Zingerman’s
Zingerman’s Speaker Series: Ari Weinzweig on Belief
Ari is a huge believer in the power of Belief. So much so, that his soon-to-be-released book, Part 4 of the Zingerman’s Guide to Good Leading series is devoted to the role of belief in business! A year after he debuted his thoughts about Belief at the Speaker Series, Ari is back to take us farther and deeper into the power of beliefs in business.
Please join us Wednesday, April 6th, 8-930am. We believe that you’ll leave with some game-changing insights and some very pragmatic tips and techniques to leverage beliefs so that they positively transform your life – at work and at home!
Spice Week at Zingerman’s!
In Pursuit of Pepper at Zingerman’s Roadhouse
Peppercorns could well be said to have changed the world. Economically, politically and culturally, because it was the pursuit of pepper that led Columbus to sail west across the Atlantic. Culinarily because the Columbian Exchange that followed brought tomatoes, potatoes, corn and cacao to the Eastern Hemisphere; cows, goats, and pigs among others went west. And, probably above all, because very few of us sit down to eat a meal that hasn’t been spiced with peppercorns in one way or another.
For this special meal we’ve put together the culinary talents of Roadhouse Chef Alex Young and Philippe de Vienne, master pepper trader for over thirty years. Together they’ve created a menu that features some of THE finest peppercorns the world has to offer, all right here at the Roadhouse in form of one delicious meal, all personally selected the de Vienne family who have rightly earned their moniker of Spice Traders by traveling the globe and searching for the most remarkable spices anywhere. Tuesday, April 12, 7pm.
Indian Cooking with the Spice Trekkers at BAKE!
The Spice Trekkers are back! The de Vienne family, spice experts and engaging speakers from Épices de Cru in Montreal, have traveled the world to bring the best spices to North America and they’ve learned a lot along the way. They’ll travel to Ann Arbor for a week of spicy events at Zingerman’s. Don’t miss out. In this cooking demonstration at BAKE!, father and son Philippe and Arik will teach you recipes with intoxicating aromas including Pineapple Pachadi, Dhal Curry, Braised Beets, Cardamome and Black Pepper Chicken, and Varsa’s Aloo Goobi. We’ll end class tasting their Indian dishes together. Wednesday, April 13th, 6pm.
You’ll leave BAKE! with the recipes, the knowledge to recreate them, a happy tummy and great coupons.
*This class is a demonstration only. There will be no hands-on cooking.
Spice-ology 101 at Zingerman’s Deli
The de Vienne family from Quebec will teach you more about spices in 90 minutes than most of us learn in a lifetime. Learn where spices come from, how to use them in your everyday cooking, how to store them, grind them, and serve them. And how to tell the difference from one brand to the next to ensure that what you’re buying is really some of the best, not just something in a nice bottle. Guaranteed to change your cooking—for the better—forever! Wednesday, April 13, 630pm.
Greek Islands Cooking with the Spice Trekkers at BAKE!
The Spice Trekkers are back! The de Vienne family, spice experts and engaging speakers from Épices de Cru in Montreal, have traveled the world to bring the best spices to North America and they’ve learned a lot along the way. They’ll travel to Ann Arbor for a week of spicy events at Zingerman’s. Don’t miss out. In this cooking demonstration at BAKE!, father and son Philippe and Arik will teach you recipes with savory herbs and spices including Feta Psiti, Hortapita, Domato Soupa, Lemon Mastic Chicken, Patremeni Fava. We’ll end class tasting their Greek Isle flavors together. Thursday, April 14th, 6pm.
You’ll leave BAKE! with the recipes, the knowledge to recreate them, a happy tummy and great coupons.
*This class is a demonstration only. There will be no hands-on cooking.
Raw Milk Cheese Appreciation Day at Zingerman’s Creamery
Raw Milk Cheese Appreciation Day is an international celebration of raw-milk cheese and the individuals who bring it from the pasture to the plate. Because we are so passionate about it, we are paying tribute to raw milk cheesemaking all week long! We’ll wrap up the week of festivities with special guest Ari Weinzweig, co-founder of Zingerman’s, joining the Creamery’s head cheesemaker Aubrey Thomason to learn about and taste the raw-milk cheeses we love, and talk about why it so important to us to preserve traditional raw milk cheesemaking for the future. A flavorful and educational afternoon for the cheese enthusiast! Saturday, April 16th, 2 – 5pm. Join us!
Zingerman’s Speaker Series: Michael Shuman on Business Pollinators
We would all agree that “Buy Local” is the new warm-fuzzy, right? And rightly so! It just makes sense to help your friends and neighbors, and therefore your community, succeed. And it feels good. Michael H. Shuman agrees. But he agrees with the more rigorous lens and extensive research of an economist, attorney and author. In his book, The Local Economy Solution, Michael Shuman argues that locally owned businesses can deliver far more economic-development impact—jobs, income, wealth, taxes—than global corporations, and at a lower cost. Not satisfied with that excellent assertion, Michael goes on to insist that local economic development might be possible at zero long-term cost, if we were to take full advantage of an expanding range of business “pollinators.”
Join us Wednesday, April 20th, 8-930am for this session with Michael Shuman to:
– HEAR all about why buying local is not just the right thing to do for your soul but also the right thing to do for the economy.
– EXPERIENCE what is meant by mindfulness through guided practice.
– LEARN all about what business “pollinators are” and the 5 key economic development functions they undertake.
– UNDERSTAND why business pollinators have the inordinate impact that they do.
– PONDER why YOU aren’t running out to become one!
The Parmigiano Reggiano Sensory Experience at Zingerman’s Deli
Cheese is addicting, and we’ve got your fix! Once you taste real Parmigiano Reggiano, you’ll be hooked on the good stuff. As your local, friendly cheesemonger, we are pushers of gastronomic pleasure and aim to tantalize and tempt your taste buds. Join us on a guided tour of cheese-induced euphoria as we taste through three different age profiles of real Parmigiano Reggiano. Wednesday, April 20th, 7pm.
Michigan Wine Celebration at Zingerman’s Creamery
April is Michigan Wine Month! Join us to celebrate the diversity of great wines produced in our state! We’ll sip samples of sparkling, red, and white wines for this event, as well as explore the grape varietals grown Michigan’s four federally recognized viticulture regions by some our most beloved vintners. In keeping with theme of honoring our state, we are pairing each wine with specially selected cheeses made in small batches right here at Zingerman’s Creamery. Don’t miss it! Thursday, April 21st, 6pm.
Cocktail Class: The Green Fairy at Cornman Farms
Le Fee Verte: an Exploration of Absinthe from Belle Epoque Paris to Fin de Siecle Vienna
During the turn of the 20th century, Absinthe was the cocktail of choice among the Bohemian set in Paris and Vienna. Absinthe is an anise-flavored herbal spirit has a long and tortured history. Strongly herb-flavored and often very high in alcohol, this spirit is affectionately known as “the green fairy.” Wrongly labeled as both a hallucinogenic and the cause of many social ills, Absinthe was subsequently banned in much of Europe and the United States for roughly a century. Recent changes in legislation on both sides of the pond have resurrected this intense yet delectable liquor and many classic cocktails have improved now that true absinthe is once again available. This evening we will discuss the history of absinthe (and the wormwood it contains) while crafting three classic cocktails that were created around the previously-maligned spirit. The cocktails will be accompanied by delicious farm-fresh food prepared by Cornman’s talented chef. The class includes instruction and discussion, three cocktails, tasty snacks prepared in the farmhouse kitchen, and recipes. Thursday, April 21st, 7pm.
Brewing Methods at Zingerman’s Coffee Company
Learn the keys to successful coffee brewing using a wide variety of brewing methods from filter drip to syphon pot. We will take a single coffee and brew it 6 to 8 different ways, each producing a unique taste. We’ll learn the proper proportions and technique for each and discuss the merits and differences of each style. Sunday, April 24th, 1pm.
Tea & Cheese at Zingerman’s Creamery
You might not think of tea as being a typical pairing for a slice of cheese, but the two can be exceptionally good at bringing out the best flavors of each other. Like wine, certain teas contain tannins which result in full-bodied flavors and make for a perfect accompaniment to a variety of cheeses. Our cheesemongers have teamed up with our neighbors at the Zingerman’s Coffee Co. to showcase specially selected teas from Rishi that pair most deliciously with an assortment of cheeses hand-picked by our cheese mongers. Join us for this unique take on tea time! Thursday, April 28th, 1pm.
See you soon!
Zingerman’s Art for Sale