Food, Food Artisans

Looking Back at Pencils and Parsnips

Annual Taste of Tantré Event

Last week, we gathered for our annual Taste of Tantré feast to eat great food and raise awareness, goodwill, and money to further the mission of The Agrarian Adventure, a leader in our community farm-to-school movement.

The Agrarian Adventure is celebrating its 10 year anniversary championing efforts to connect students with food, health, community, and agriculture. They’ve created and help to sustain a bountiful and diverse school garden at Tappan Middle School in Ann Arbor, lead a Farmer in the Classroom program that reaches all Ann Arbor Public Schools, and work to foster ongoing relationships among farmers, teachers, parents, administrators and students.

A near-capacity crowd visited Zingerman’s Deli to take part in the benefit, and by all accounts the event was an enjoyable success! Here are some photos from the event:


A fortuitous moon over the Deli and Next Door coffeehouse.


Lise Anderson, Agrarian Adventure.

Lise Anderson, Agrarian Adventure.


Sponsors and partners.

Sponsors and partners.


Caitlin Joseph, Agrarian Adventure.

Caitlin Joseph, Agrarian Adventure


Jeremy Moghtader, Organic Farming Outreach Specialist, MSU

Jeremy Moghtader, Organic Farming Outreach Specialist, Michigan State University.


Elissa Trumbull, Fair Food Network

Elissa Trumbull, Fair Food Network.


Emily Canosa, Sustainable Food Program Manager at University of Michigan

Emily Canosa, Sustainable Food Program Manager at University of Michigan.


Neha Shah, King Elemtary School, Agrarian Adventure

Neha Shah, King Elemtary School, Agrarian Adventure.


Carolyn Hermann, Dicken Elementary School

Carolyn Hermann, Dicken Elementary School.


"Declaration of Veg-Dependence"

“Declaration of Veg-Dependence”


The menu.

The menu.


Information and silent auction.

Information and silent auction.



Classy t-shirt.


David Klingenberger, The Brinery

David Klingenberger, The Brinery.


Each guest received a jar of delicious Brinery kraut, compliments of David!

Each guest received a jar of delicious Brinery kraut, compliments of David!


Tantré Farm's Richard Andres, Deli partner Rodger Bowser, and Tantré's Deb Lentz

Tantré Farm’s Richard Andres, Deli partner Rodger Bowser, and Tantré’s Deb Lentz.


You can help!

Support Farmer Visits to Classrooms

The Agrarian Adventure mentors area farmers to give fun hands-on lessons to over 800 elementary students a year, connecting them with our regional food system and locally grown produce. Help us bring this great program to more schools! Each $250 donation pays for one month of Farmer in the Classroom programming. This includes planning, materials, and a stipend for the visiting farmer for a month of weekly visits.
Your total sponsor-a-month donation is a tax-deductible contribution to The Agrarian Adventure, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, federal tax id is 20-1275718.

See you soon!