“The Original Cheddar” at the Zingerman’s Deli
The Zingerman’s Deli has just broken open a wheel of delicious Montgomery Cheddar! This is some of the best cheddar in the world, fans of the curd should definitely stop by for a taste!
Zingerman’s Mail Order partner Mo Frechette sums it up:
English Farmhouse Cheddar
Universally imitated, never replicated. The original cheddar.Like the British Empire, cheddar conquered the world—it’s the planet’s most widely copied cheese. Ironically, with so much emphasis on imitation, the original has become an endangered species. It’s rarely found in this country and is worlds apart in character from its copycat cousins.
Montgomery’s is one of only three farms in its ancestral homeland making truly traditional farmhouse English cheddar. Big, clothbound drums are made by veteran cheesemaker Steve Bridges every day except Friday. All the milk comes from Jamie Montgomery’s herd of just under 200 Holstein-Fresian cows, which graze on a nearby hill rumored, incidentally, to be the site of Camelot. Their cheeses have a golden color, a warm, flaky texture and a penetrating, memorable flavor. Each one is spoken for—they’re taking no new customers.
Once, at a bar in London, someone told me “Cheddar should be like a neighbour’s party,” which is a line I don’t quite understand but have never forgotten. It is a totally appropriate way to describe the easy, unforgettable flavor of Montgomery’s cheddar.
Last year, Zingerman’s Deli cheesemonger Chad Hayes toured several creameries in southwest Britain, Montgomery’s among them. Read all about his adventure on his Cheese Trippin’ blog.
“If I could come back as a mouse, I’d like to live in your place! That English Farmhouse Cheddar is the best I’ve ever had!”
– Ellen from Creston, Iowa
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