Host Thanksgiving Like A Boss
You offered to host Thanksgiving dinner, arguably the most important meal of the year (no pressure). Now you’re asking, what have I gotten myself into? Take a deep breath. You can do this. Check out this list of practical tips for hosting Thanksgiving with ease and prepare to make tackling turkey day look easy. Heck, you might even enjoy it!
Tips For Hosting Thanksgiving
#1 Don’t Turn Down Hosting Help
You’re doing the heavy lifting by cooking the main meal and offering up your home as the host of Thanksgiving dinner. Most invited guests will respond with “What can I bring?” Prepare a few answers for when the offers of help roll in. Being a good host doesn’t mean you’re responsible for every single thing. People genuinely do want to contribute something, so if you don’t have an answer they might all bring you a cheese tray (ok, maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing). Consider letting someone else bring the wine, appetizers, dessert or even extra chairs. Maybe ask a close relative or friend to help with the dishes after. Just don’t ask the person who’s always late (you know the one) to bring the appetizers!
#2: Make It Ahead Like a Pro Host
Get ahead of the game by preparing as much as you can one to two days before. First, write out your Thanksgiving menu and collect recipes and ingredients to avoid a last minute run (or two!) to the store. Chopping vegetables, toasting nuts, making stocks and sauces, baking desserts, brining the turkey, and assembling casseroles can all be done the day before. Anything that cuts down your time in the kitchen while your guests are around is a good thing. Your friends and family came to see you, so you don’t want to spend the whole time cooking. And you deserve to enjoy the day yourself, too.
#3 Keep Thanksgiving Guests Engaged
Giving younger invitees things to do can give your Thanksgiving get together a relaxed vibe and may even give everyone a chance to enjoy their meal at a more leisurely pace. Chances are the adults will join in the fun, too. Offer younger kids a chance to get involved in the meal prep by setting the table or heading outside to collect colorful fall leaves for decorating the spread. Older kids can get in on the action peeling vegetables or taking guest drink orders with a notepad. Set up a classic kids table for dinner time that’s stocked with paper placemats and crayons to draw what they’re thankful for (again, great for everyone, not just the kiddos). For dessert, in addition to the pumpkin pie, put out cookies or cupcakes and embellishments (think frosting, sprinkles, candy corn, chocolate, and dried cherries). Have a few party games and a cocoa and coffee bar at the ready to fight off food comas after the big meal and keep the fun going longer.
For the ultimate in easy Thanksgiving hosting, order a complete holiday meal from one of these Zingerman’s locations, each with their own uniquely crafted menu that’s made from scratch with the best ingredients.

Thanksgiving To-Go from Zingerman’s Cornman Farms
Read more about the Thanksgiving Dinner to-go at Zingerman’s Delicatessen
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